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Build your email using the birch component framework.

  • Brand compliant
  • Tested with Litmus to work even in Outlook

Building your email

  1. Click any component on the left to add it to your email on the right panel.
  2. Click on a component in the right panel to edit it.
  3. Clicking the " Components" tab or anywhere in the background on the right panel exits edit mode—returning you to the list of available components.

Say hello to subcomponents

The biggest change in this version of BirchBuilder is the concept of subcomponents.

Having multiple variants of a component had some real drawbacks. Instead of variants, components now have spots where any number of smaller subcomponents can be inserted.

Want an image and then some paragraph text? Maybe the other way around? No problem. Dynamic subcomponents allow for that level of flexibility.

What do the top links do?

Open an email design saved from birch builder.
Save your working email design as a file. Useful for sharing your work with someone else.
 Copy code
Copies the html code for your email into the clipboard. Ready for you to paste into your emailing sending program of choice.
Opens your working email in a new tab. Gives you a sneak-peek at how your final email may look.
Go here to change the theme, set global email settings like subject-line, preheader, and background-color.
Email subject line:
Email preheader:

birch builder
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